You goofy kid. What a weekend we had! On Saturday, the air was clean enough to hit the Watkins Mill trail (oh, blessed, pollen-free air!). Your mama had enough of the indoors, so off to the Mill we went.
Williams Creek Lake is nice place--Baby B, what a great walk. About 4 miles around, we had a pretty good time looking for hickory nuts, pawpaws and watching for herons and pterodactyls ;-)
I'm not yet an expert at estimating how much to eat before leaving on trips. Halfway around the lake I thought, wow...we are just starving! At 3 and a half miles, you and I had a seat on a bench while dad jogged back to the car, and then drove around to pick us up. Your dad--he is something else. You will find that out soon enough. I know that your initial residence will be with me, but your dad is so, so excited about you, and already so defensive on your behalf. We are just too lucky to have him! If you're a girl, well, you'll be a daddy's girl, I just know it. If you're a boy, what if you look like daddy with my coloring? I can see you two, pals, sitting on the edge of the lake.
On Sunday, we hit Swagats again, your dad smirking while I ate another plate of chicken tikka masala (one of his favorites, but until recently, not one of mine!). I hadn't thought to shop for maternity clothes, but we checked around on Sunday...really, I just wanted to look for stuff for YOU, little one! Photos to take for you, organic cloth to sew for you...I am your "just add water" slave.
Because it felt so good, and there was another thunderstorm to wash the more pollen away, we headed out again for a walk around the lake.
The storms, overnight, changed the woods from a cool scent, to a more humid, humus-infused air (we think this is a good smell that tells us the story of how fertile this land is!). Ephemeral streams emphasized the meaning of their names by going from this on Saturday:
To this today (Monday):
And then of course, there was the need to notice the small, beautiful things, just like you!
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