A new president, a new person...I hope you are well, Little Baby B. Our Brellowfish.
The holidays were stressful, and you let me know by kicking and hiccuping through most of the festivities. That, combined with back spasms from standing too long, talking to people I didn't know and missing out on good family time made for one grouchy mama. I was asked afterwards, after all the gifts, "Wasn't it worth it?"
I have to say, my little guy, that at some point in your life, you might think your mama is a bit odd. Can you put a pricetag on quality time with family? I'm so, so happy for you to have all these lovely things, but you were so fortunate to have plenty to begin with--all those lovely pre-loved items, already well washed, softened from use...and if we had to worry about dyes and chemicals in cloth, hopefully most of those are gone, too! You had plenty before, and have plenty, now. I know Dad and I will find a way to put those giftcards to good use, but I wonder about how much money was spent on food. On how much I had to spend on a chiropractor to set everything straight (no Target giftcard for that!), on how little time we had with the Big Family (you will meet them, no doubt!), on how the money and time spent on food probably equated to the amount we received in gifts, on how stressed I might have made you, with my holiday tiredness.
I wish I had the personality to have handled all this better, My Little Guy, but mama's personality was not a consideration, so it all has to be appreciated in retrospect. I'll feel better after the next prenatal exam, when they tell me you are right on target. I love you so much...